Aerial yoga is a type of yoga which uses a hammock to allow students to practice poses they may not ordinarily be able to attempt on the yoga mat. The emphasis is not on performance, rather it is on individual expression. It combines traditional yoga with moves inspired by pilates, dance and acrobatics. Aerial yoga is thought to be particularly beneficial for people who spend a long time sitting, or who have back or neck pain, because it has a decompressing effect on the body. It increases one’s overall health and physical agility, while lengthening and strengthening one’s muscles. It is proven that after practicing aerial yoga, your spine lengthens approximately one-quarter of an inch. Isabelle teaches a somatic aerial yoga experience that aides the body in decrystalizing stored blockages which, in turn, creates a healthier physical and mental being.
Decompressing the spinal column
Increase in joint mobility and strength
Strengthening the core
Increase of muscular flexibility and strength
Increase in both spatial and mind-body awareness
Increase in self-confidence
The ability to relax and ``let go`` deeper
Increase in circulatory and lymphatic circulation
Low impact core, upper body and cardiovascular conditioning
Sciatic Relief